
Transparent Grid Overlay For Drawing


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You can make a GAMERBOARD yourself.

A3 Construction manual

A1/A2 Construction manual

A1/A2 Reinforced back

A3 Grids Download

(In German and English.)

= Link to get materials

= Additional information

Time needed

If you are good with tools then the assembling of the board takes appr. 45 minutes, the fabrication of the transparent sheets with grids appr. 45 minutes and ordering everything and so on at least 2 hours.

Buy snapframe


We strongly recommend a 32 mm broad frame. Only a strong frame gives the board the necessary stability, for example if you pass it around. The spring in a broad frame last longer. A thin frame has turned out to be too weak for permanent use.


Buy whiteboard sheet


If the broad has an uncoated iron back, you need a whiteboard sheet to cover it.


Buy magnetic sheet


You need a magnetic sheet if the back of the frame is made of plastic. It should have a white cover and should be at least 0,6 mm strong. Otherwise the attraction between magnets and board will be too weak.


Buy transparent grid sheets A3


We recommend sheets for overhead projectors in a good quality with sufficient material thickness. You will have to draw the grid yourself or find one on the internet. And you need an A3-printer.

A3 Grids Download


Buy transparent grid sheets A2, A1 (Flyeralarm)


For printing the grids in A2 or A1 you will need a print shop. You will have to draw the grid yourself or find one on the internet.

Buy other magnets


If the magnets in the pawns are too broad, they tend to push each other apart or they attract each other, so you cannot place the pawns close to each other.

The magnet-pawns shown above are nice, but they will always need about 10 mm space because their magnets are too broad.

In a 10 mm broad pawn the magnet should not be wider than 5 or 6 mm.

These magnets can be placed close to each other up to 6 mm.


Make magnetic pawns


You can make the magnetic pawns yourself.

(Click to enlarge.)

1. Glue a small screw (appr. 3 x 12 mm) to a magnet (6 x 2 mm to 5 x 3 mm) with two-component adhesive. Cover lower outer part of the pawn with a non-sticking liquid. Place the magnet on a non-sticking surface. Best if you fasten it there.

2. Fill half of the pawn with hot-melt adhesive. Please note: If the glue is to hot, the pawn will deform.

3. Press pawn centred on screw and magnet and hold it until the glue is hard.

4. Remove the glue at the sides of the pawn.


Buy disc magnets


If the magnets under the pawns are too broad, they tend to push each other apart or they attract each other, so you cannot place the pawns close to each other. A 6 mm broad and 2 mm thick magnet should have a safety-distance of 5 or 6 mm to the next magnet.

These magnets can be placed close to each other up to 6 mm.


Buy self-adhesive felt


The felt must be thin. Otherwise the back of the board will sag in the middle.


Buy whiteboard markers


Non-permanent markers for transparency film will do too. They draw thinner lines.


Suitable for these Games

A Game of Thrones, Aberrant, Aces & Eights, After the Bomb, Aftermath, Agone, Albedo, Alternity, Arcanis, Arianrhod, Ars Magica, Attack of the Humans, BattleDragons, Beyond the Supernatural, Bifrost, Blackwatch, Blood of Heroes, Blue Planet, Blue Rose, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Call of Cthulhu, Castle Falkenstein, Changeling: The Dreaming, Changeling: The Lost, Conspiracy X, CORPS, Cthulhu, Cthulhutech, Cyberpunk, Cyberspace, d20 Modern, D6 Space, d6 System, Dangerous Journeys, Daredevils, Dark Ages (World of Darkness), Dark Conspiracy, DC Heroes, Deadlands, Demon: The Fallen, D&D, Dogs in the Vineyard, Dragon Age, Dragon Warriors, DragonQuest, DragonRaid, Dragonstar, Draug, Dungeon World, Dungeons and Dragons, Dzikie Pola, Earthdawn, Eclipse Phase, Elfquest, Empire of the Petal Throne, Everquest, Fading Suns, Faith RPG, Fantasy Craft, Fantasy Hero, Fate of the Norns, FATE RPG, Fiasco RPG, Fireborn, Forgotten Futures, Gamma World, Genesys, GUMSHOE System, GURPS, HackMaster, Halcyon, Heroes Unlimited, HeroQuest, Hidden Kingdom, Iron Kingdoms, Ironclaw, L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Lejendary Adventure, Little Fears, Living Steel, Macross II, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Awakening, Marvel Super Heroes, MechWarrior, Midgard RPG, Mistborn, Mouse Guard, Mummy: The Resurrection, Munchkin, Mutant, Mutant Gen Lab Alpha, Necroscope, Nephilim, Neuroshima, Night of the Ninja, Nightbane, Paranoia, Pathfinder, Pendragon, Promethean The Created, Rifts, Risus, RuneQuest, Savage Worlds, Scion, Seventh Sea, Shadowrun, Space 1889, Spycraft, Stormbringer, The Black Company, The Dark Eye, TWERPS, Vampire, Warcraft, Warhammer, Wiedzmin, WitchCraft, etc...

Transparent Grid Overlay For Drawing


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